Kerikeri High School Sailing Academy
Kerikeri High School has a strong sailing reputation and has won many national and international titles. Former students have gone on to compete in The Olympics, Americas Cup and major off shore races. Auckland seen here in the background hosted the Americas Cup in 2021, we were excited to be part of that.
The school is proud to offer a fantastic Sailing Academy for all levels of sailor. This unique programme offers its students opportunities to experience a range of sailing disciplines. They can develop their skills in a range of centreboard and keel boats, and learn about practical water safety, navigation and passage planning.
Our tutors have considerable experience in a wide range of boats, regattas and sailing conditions. They have spent many years teaching and passing on their knowledge and expertise.
Course Outline
Our tutors work hard to develop a course each semester that fits the needs of the cohort and exposes the students to a range of sailing disciplines.
A typical semester will include:
- A minimum of 18 days on the water, 9 each term.
- Centreboard dinghy sailing, the Academy owns or has access to a range of dinghies including 420’s, 29ers and Lasers.
- Keel boat sailing in the Bay of Islands.
- An overnight trip.
- A sailing adventure on an actual Americas Cup Yacht, take the helm, steer a course, hoist and trim the sails.
Motivated students are also encouraged to take part in the wider school sailing programme as well as getting involved in local racing and national regattas.