Curriculum Guides
Curriculum Guides 2024
Junior Enrolment Guide – Years 9&10
Senior Enrolment Guide – Years 11-13
Kerikeri High School has a strong academic record and we are very proud of the achievements of our students. Our NCEA results compare extremely favourably with both the Northland and national results.
We are accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under the provisions of the Education Act 1989 to provide education and training based on conventional school subjects and selected vocational units. All junior students study the seven essential learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum with increasing scope for specialisation as they progress through the school. A wide range of subjects is offered.
Students are encouraged through individual counselling to take courses appropriate to their abilities and their educational pathway. Those with additional learning needs are identified and supported by the Learning Enrichment Department through Teacher Aide support and various programmes such as Community and Future Problem Solving, KERI Reading, and distance education via correspondence.
Subjects by Year Level 2024
Year 7
English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health and Physical Education, Maori, Art, Life Technology, Technology, Music.
All subjects are compulsory.
Year 8
English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health and Physical Education, Maori, Art, Life Technology, Spanish, Technology, Music.
All subjects are compulsory.
Years 9 and 10
Core Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health and Physical Education.
Options: Art, Business & Economics (Year10) Design & Visual Communication (Graphics), Digital Technologies, Drama, Enterprise & Business (Year9), Food Studies, History, Māori Studies, Music, Spanish, Technology.
Year 9 students take 3 options, Year 10 students take 2.
Year 11
All students study English and Mathematics plus four additional subjects from the following, including at least one Science subject: Art, Art (Design & Image), Business Management, Biological Science, Design & Visual Communication, Digital Technologies, Drama, Economics & Business, General Science, Geography, History, Hospitality, Music, Physical Education, Physical Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Technology Engineering, Technology Practical, Technology Robotics, Te Reo Māori, Tikarohia Te Mārama / Māori Performing Arts.
Year 12
All students study English, plus five additional subjects from: Art Painting, Art Design, Art Photography, Automotive Studies, Biology, Business Management, Chemistry, Design & Visual Communication (Graphics), Digital Technologies, Drama, Economics, Science, Geography, History, Hospitality, Human Development, Mathematics Statistics & Calculus, Mathematics Statistics, Music, Outdoor Education, Performing Arts Technology, Physical Education, Physics, Rural Studies, Social Studies, Spanish, Technology Engineering, Technology Practical, Technology Robotics, Te Reo Māori, Tikarohia Te Mārama / Māori Performing Arts, Tourism.
Year 13
Students choose five subjects from: Art Painting, Art Design, Art Photography, Automotive, Biology, Business Management, Calculus, Chemistry, Design & Visual Communication, Digital Technologies, Drama, Economics, English, Modular English, Geography, History, Hospitality, Human Development, Music, Outdoor and Environmental Education, Pathways, Performing Arts Technology, Physical Education, Physics, Social Studies, Spanish, Statistics, Technology, Te Reo Māori, Tourism.